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    Avoiding the Boomer Drain: HR Strategies and Best Practices

    Date: December 13, 2012, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
    Alaska SHRM State Council
    Complimentary Webinar
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    Avoiding the Boomer Drain:  HR Strategies and Best Practices
    Can your organization afford to lose your reservoir of talented, experienced older workers in the coming years?  If not, have you done serious strategic workforce planning to analyze the impact of baby boomer retirements and to identify potential skills gaps that could result?  This session will look at key HR strategies that should be integrated into an overall talent management program for today’s multi-generational workforce.   It will also look at lessons to be learned from recent research -- including the 2012 SHRM-AARP Strategic Workforce Planning Poll –and from best practices by organizations honored with AARP’s 2011 Best Employers for Workers over 50 Award. 

    Presenter Karen Verrico, Pacific West Field Services Director at SHRM

    picture of Karen Verrico