01/2015 Meetings & Events
Date | Event | Type |
January 30 | Building Real Leadership for Virtual Teams - What Do Managers Really Need to Know Today? | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
February 2 to February 4 | NHRMA HR Academy 2015 | Meeting |
February 20 | What Does it Mean to be a Good Performer? Beyond the Job Description | Meeting |
February 20 | **In Person Event** Introducing the New SHRM Certifications | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
March 6 | The Real Deal on Form I-9 | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
April 17 | Building a WOW! Recognition Culture | Meeting |
April 22 | Alaska SHRM State Council and Certification Webinar | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
May 8 | HRCI's Perspective - Changes in Human Resource Certification | Meeting |
May 15 | Join Us For This Unique Opportunity!! Prisoner Re-Entry Walking Tour!! | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
June 28 to July 1 | SHRM 2015 Annual Conference and Exposition | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
August 6 | Alaska SHRM State Council and Certification Webinar | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
September 24 to September 25 | 2015 Alaska State HR Conference | Conference |
Date | Event | Type |
October 5 to October 7 | NHRMA 2015 Conference, Portland, OR | Conference |
October 9 | Achieving Success with Good to GREAT | Meeting |
Date | Event | Type |
November 6 | What is the Impact of the New Marijuana Laws on Employers? | Meeting |