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    Respect in a Disrespectful World: When Melting Pots Burn

    Date: October 25, 2019, 12:00pm – 1:00pm
    Alaska SHRM State Council
    Compliments of your Alaska SHRM State Council
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    Respect in a Disrespectful World:
    When Melting Pots Burn

    The term “melting pot” conjures up a variety of thoughts and ideas about diversity and inclusion and for most, it reflects the assumption that we’re all in this together and ain’t that grand! But alas, that’s not really what the term means as in reality, it’s about putting everything together to melt and mold into one common dish or flavor. Moreover, “we’re all in this together” is being replaced with chants of “go back to where you came from” and “you don’t belong!” The workplace environment today is, indeed, a cornucopia of individuals but unlike in earlier years, when assimilation was expected, today’s workforce strives to celebrate its individuality and uniqueness. Today, cultural pluralism is expected. Talk about stirring the pot!

    HR’s role in ensuring diversity, inclusion and respect is more important than it has ever been. This one-hour webinar will dive into the local and larger trends so participants can begin to plan their workplace’s menu, so to speak. Heather will offer what she believes are the possibilities for some great meals given the diversity of our ingredients. Finally, she’ll provide her insights regarding the pitfalls, whether it be about having too much of a good thing, the lack of a key ingredient or the failed execution of what could have been a great dish.


    Heather Kinzie – Chief Operating Officer, The Strive Group
    Heather Kinzie serves as the Chief Operating Officer for The Strive Group. With more than 25 years of Human Resources and Organizational Design/Development experience, Heather’s passion lies with improving and sustaining businesses. Kinzie offers consulting, coaching, content development and training to a diverse group of clients. She oversees a team of experts who utilize a collaborative and systematic approach to problem solving and consultation. Recognizing the critical importance of leadership and culture, Kinzie is committed to helping clients improve communication, engagement and organizational performance.